hahahahaha, really enjoyed the original, and it turns out I also enjoyed Bane reading it out.
hahahahaha, really enjoyed the original, and it turns out I also enjoyed Bane reading it out.
A nice entry to the video game music section, low bit-rates and loopability. Sexy stuff.
Thanks for the comment ,man!
Would definitely expect to see this on a flash/indie game. Nice melodic ideas and a nice low-bit sounding/retro video game production. Well executed!
You think? That'd be cool ^^
Thanks for the review LOD!
Would serve nicely as background music on a TV show, good work.
Thanks dude!
All vibe and ominous as fuck. Great stuff.
thanks, that's what i like going for! especially for this track.
Perhaps a little too free form for my liking, but you seem to have some nice ideas. Good effort and keep it up.
Thank you! :)
The quality isn't bad at all! You've done a good job recording it with your phone. The violin lead is beautiful and the piano riff is also a nice base for the piece. Good job, keep it up.
Thanks!!!! :D I'll keep it up for sure ;D
Love that first riff, has a really heavy feel to it. I can definitely imagine this in a doom-esque shooter. Your second section with the piano chords sounds nice as well. Adds a nice shift in dynamic. Keep up the good work!
Truthfully this doesn't work, dude. I'm not a music theory expert, but because you've mashed together 5 songs in different keys all of the melodies are clashing with each other. Sometimes dissonance works well, and depending on the tone of the song you can experiment with some dissonant chords or note progressions, and it can benefit your tune, especially if you're aiming for an ambient track. But because of the clutter, what it sounds like is, well, what you've stated really. It's five of your songs mashed together. If I were you I'd focus on writing a good riff or chord progression and just stick to the basics. I'm sure you're capable of writing a cool tune, and I'm sure people would be more than happy to listen to one of the five songs that you've overlapped with each other, as opposed to all of them. Good luck with your future endeavours, and I look forward to seeing what you put out in the near future.
Beautiful. Lovely melodies and your drum samples are sexy. I like the basic drum beat, gives the tune a nice edge. If you're writing a song about skeletons, organs are always a nice touch. That little organ bridge you've got in the middle is great.
Joined on 1/30/07